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Average Scores

The Average Scores Chart shows the average scores for any scale question. Use the Filters settings to choose multiple scores to report on.

Chart Types

You add different chart types to view the same data in different ways. For example, you can track trends over time to see if you are improving and you can use the heat map across key segments to find areas of high and low performance. Click the Select Chart Type icon in the top right to change the display.

In bar, column, and trend view we will not show a question label in the chart until it has at least one response that matches the filter

Group By

Use the Group By options to compare the results across one or more customer segments. Learn what’s making your best performers successful so you can roll out best practices to the rest of your team.

Overall Averages

By default, your Average Scores chart calculates the overall score by respondent, but you can choose to report on overall score by group instead. Choose across groups if you want to show the average of the group scores regardless of the number of respondents in each group. For example, if your East segment average score is 8 and your West segment average score is 9, your Average Across Groups is 8.5 regardless of the number of respondents in each group.

To view Overall Score across groups:

  1. Click on the Display Settings tab for your Average Scores chart.
  2. Find the Calculation for Overall Average dropdown menu under the Heatmap section.
  3. Click the dropdown menu and choose Across Groups.
  4. Click Apply & Close.

Color Thresholds

Recommend and Satisfaction scores have different degrees of behavioral impact, so we’ve given Satisfaction scores different thresholds to better illustrate the level of customer dissatisfaction for your staff.

In comment streams and response pages, respondents who provided a Satisfaction response of 5 or 6 will show a yellow face and score instead of a red face and score. Read more about Color Thresholds here.